Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Chili and workout

I made the most delicious chili for dinner today, and upon calculating that it's only 71 calories per hundred grams, I had to share the recipe. It's easy peasy lemon squeazy!


400 grams of ground beef
400 grams of canned tomatoes
410 grams of tomato beans
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
3-4 chili peppers
ground cayenne pepper/chili powder (I used something called Chili Explosion, which is a mix of different kinds of chilis.)

First, you fry the ground beef, then season it with salt, pepper, and chili powder/cayenne pepper to taste. Add the tomatoes and leave it to simmer for 4-5 minutes. I left mine to simmer while I was chopping peppers and chili, which was probably much longer than 4-5 minutes. That worked out fine too.

Then you add in the red, the yellow and the chili pepper, and finally the tomato beans. The original recipe calls for chili beans, but the shop that's nearest to me doesn't stock 'em, and I'm not interested in running halfway across town for one ingredient.

Anyway. You're done. Leave it alone until it's reached the level of thickness that you desire. Then enjoy.

My roommates used to cook this for me all the time when we were still living together, and they usually served it with tortilla chips on the side, which is yummy, but you know... not all that good if you're on a diet. Or in general really.

In other news, I've finally signed up for another semester at the gym, and so far, I've been there twice. Once on Monday, which was the day I signed up, and once today. Both times, I've hit the rush hour (it's a gym primarily used by students). On Monday, I wasn't there until three-ish. Every single treadmill in the place was occupied, and the machines weren't much better. I went on the stationary bike for about ten minutes, while waiting for a treadmill and then "ran" for 45 minutes. I say "ran", because there was a lot of alternating between running and walking. I naively thought (hoped?) that I'd be able to run as much as I did back home, even though it's been nearly three weeks since I set foot inside a gym. Not happening. But I did manage nearly three miles, which isn't all that shabby.

Today, I was going to go the gym around 12:30, but it turns out, I'm lazy. Who'da thunk it? So I wasn't there until maybe 2-ish. Better than last time, and I did get a treadmill right away, but there were still too many people around for my taste. I really really dislike having to wait around for certain machines to free up, and I feel all self-conscious about people standing right there when I'm trying to work out. It's got nothing to do with my weight. I just don't like people watching me do stuff.

Despite the people, it was a good work out. I set my treadmill for miles per hour today, just for kicks. I averaged 4.5 miles per hour. I totally prefer saying that I averaged 7.3 kilometers per hour though, even though it's pretty much the same speed. The metric system is an ego boost for me!

After the running, I went through my weight program, and discovered that the machines that I've been pining for all Christmas actually aren't all that. But they work. And I guess that's all I need?

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